Faille de la grande raie

Faille de la grande raie Faille de la grande raie Faille de la grande raie
195 million years ago geological movement created the Grande Raie Fault. The fault is 20 m deep. Miners from the Foundry went down the Grande Raie Fault for its iron deposits. The deposits were of an excellent quality and were cleaned up before use as they contained clay deposits. The Fallon mines were also home to cavedwelling fauna. Three species of bat used to live there in the winter . in the spring, the woods nearby would be covered by narcissus and bright yellow daffodils. This is a protected plant in the Haute Saône, and there are limitations on how many you are allowed to pick. This place is situated on the "Sentier de la Mirabelle" hiking trail. Free documents are available at the Tourist Center.
Types of site :
Natural Site
République Française
Vallée de l'ognon
Accueil Vélo
Cités de caractère
Station Verte
Destination 70